Saturday, 1 December 2012

Hi all I have been a bit slack this week but have still done a huge amount of work after finding out some info for putting out images from visitor I have solved a lot of problems that I did not know how to do.

I have now got roads on my satalite image so roads show now in game more than a 1000 meters away which makes it look how it should also I have now got more ground textures and can place them more in tune with the towns and get more precise coverage of  where I need what so it looks good in game and its now easy to get masks for textures.

I have placed all my new models from last week into a town I am making they look good next to the bis models makes the town feel lived in with all the clutter more roads were added in the town all in all its coming on well.

Next job is to sort the outside terrain as its not matching on the borders.

images to be added over the weekend

Thursday, 22 November 2012

After 2 months of my pc crashing every time I went in arma2 I now have solved the problem and can use my pc again.

So I have got back to work on Waziristan today I placed the Afghan op towers on the border and put in a uk main operating base on the west side of the terrain adding a long snaky road up and over the mountain to join the west to the main road.

I have added more mountain terraces to a few areas these will get more detail later on more place holders of good terrain spots for towns at the moment, all main roads are in I just have to smooth a bit of road here and there.

I might sort out the tree formations to as I am not to happy with bits of it as i am trying to get Afghan type small bushes and trees on the west with mixed rock ledges going over to waziristan pine trees and bushes on the west with a mix of both in the middle highest ground to have less trees bushes and more rocks and dead trees.
from this to this

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Got to work on Waziristan today got a lot of the town done and surrounding areas including fields and woodland.

Not much else model wise today.

Hi all I have not been able to do any thing for the last couple of days as my gfx card is losing signal in bulldozer so until I can sort it out there is not much to show you.

So I will post some screens from Belfast.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Screen shots

Command wired HME
Angle wire

IED factory
Weapons cache

Observation post

Super Sanger
Bombed out building
UK light gun 
Ready to deploy 
Artilary counter  battery computer
Early wip panther 2 clv and trailer
I will post some more screens later today

7XBRF-GU officially up and open to recruiting

Hi all I thought I would quickly let you know about our new GU that is now up and running

TS server  7th Armoured Brigade Reconaissance Force - GU
Server details 7XBRF-GU

Welcome to the 7th Armoured Brigade Reconnaissance Force Gaming Unit, known hereafter as 7XBRF-GU.

Why BRF, what does it mean?

BRF - "Brigade Reconnaissance Forces (BRFs), are formations that carry out ISTAR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance). BRFs act as their Brigade's eyes and ears, often operating far ahead of the main units. BRFs typically comprise of reconnaissance specialists plus attached artillery spotters, forward air controllers, snipers, medics, sappers, EOD specialists etc."

BRFs are established to become a permanent feature of each Brigade (Bde) of the British army for deployment on operations in Afghanistan, the name they adopt is typically taken from their parent Brigade. 7XBRF-GU is therefore based around the real units of the 7th Armoured Brigade (The desert rats).

What are the main elements of the 7XBRF-GU?

The 7XBRF-GU primarily has a main fighting force (the BRF) and support assets. 1st and 2nd Troop from a Formation Reconnaissance (FR) squadron (Sqn) of the 9th/12th Lancers armoured cavalry regiment form the basis of the 7XBRF-GU. These two troops are mirrored and supported by a Fire Support Group from an infantry platoon (Pl) from 4 Scots Guards. Integrated with these 3 main force elements are a Fire Support Team (FST) and Desert Hawk 3 (DH3) detachment acting as key enablers to provide specialist Joint Fires support from supporting air and land assets and immediate surveillance and target acquisition through the use of the DH3 Unmanned Air System.

The main force element of the 7XBRF-GU primarily deploy mounted in Jackals, however they will also deploy in the dismounted close combat role when required and conduct fast air assault operations to disrupt enemy forces when terrain and time restraints affect mission planning.
On all missions and operations the main force element (the BRF) will require additional support from air and land assets found within 7XBRF-GU. An Expeditionary Air Wing (EAW) will provide both fixed wing and rotary aviation to provide Close Air Support (CAS), Close Combat Attack (CCA), Combat Service Support (CSS) and Air manoeuvre support. Elements of N and D Battery, 3rd Regiment Royal Horse Artillery will provide indirect fire support (IDF) and manpower for the FST and DH3 Det found within the BRF.

What can you do in the 7XBRF-GU?

For each new member joining the 7XBRF-GU there is a diverse range of roles and career streams to follow to suit most preferences of game play. Machine-gunners, Troop Commanders, Snipers, IED Search Team Engineers, Attack helicopter co-pilot gunners, drivers, Forward Air Controllers, artillery gunners and signallers, these are just a few of the options available to all members of the 7XBRF-GU upon completion of the relevant training.
To accommodate the complexity of a BRF into a realism gaming unit and to ensure that every role played is fulfilling, relevant and enjoyable, some roles have been omitted and the Orbat of the 7XBRF-GU is based on a 50% scale 2 troop construct of a real life BRF. The Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) used within 7XBRF-GU are based on those used by the British Army. All TTPs used are there to enhance the gameplay expected to be found within a realism gaming unit, no TTPs are there to suppress the fun element which every member seeks in a realism gaming unit.

What’s different about 7XBRF-GU from other realism GUs?

Finally to ensure this level of enjoyment is maintained and that operations and missions are dynamic, 7XBRF-GU has an operational training and advisory group (OPTAG). This OPTAG provides support during Mission Specific and Pre-deployment Training (MST, PDT) by acting as human controlled Computer Generated Forces (CGF) working alongside and controlling the AI CGF. Missions and training can then be monitored and tailored in real time to maintain a level of gameplay that is both dynamic and responsible in its application of enemy TTPs to maintain a positive gaming experience for all members of the 7XBRF-GU.

To find more information about the Orbat and details of the career streams available within 7XBRF-GU follow the links below.

Imitatio est sincerest forma adulationis

List of my addons

Hi all and welcome to my blog from today I will be updating this daily with images and maybe some vids

I am trying to get more detail into arma2 as most towns lack the lived in feeling and objects to match.

I have a lot of ground to cover from the amount of addons I have made and used from freely available models on the net and arma1 sample models so I will be listing all the work I have done here.

Ied pack 
This pack contains all Home made explosives components for making ied's they come as buried objects too for a way to hide them below ground and items for civi ai to carry around as illegal items.

Angel wire
Battery 9v
Car battery
cell phone
fertilizer Ied cell phone activated
command wire ied
ammo boxes
various pressure plates
fertilizer and chlorine containers
burlap sacks
gas cylinda ieds
disturbed ground
ied markers piles of stones
radio detonator and blast caps
at ieds

Artillary pack
Artillary computer for counter battery fire missions
m119 arty gun can be folded up and moved comes with computer on board
ANA D30 packed up

Afghan objects pack
car parts
garage objects
raw opium bags
gas cylindas
comms tower
market stalls 5 types
plastic containers
Ration packs
various posters and billboards and signs
taliban flag waziristan taliban flag
pallets of cash us dollars
concrete barriers
body parts
market stalls 5 types
water bottles

UK objects pack 
billboards signs posters
washing machine
wall murials
scaffold and building site equipment
street cabinets
peace wall
green tin fencing ni gates
buildings 10 types
Ni police station and towers
Tv studio set up with cameras
cctv cameras

Rock pack
Rocks and tunnels with some iragation ditches 40 types

Vehicle pack
Panther 2 clv plus a trailer
t72 afghan warlord
2 semi rigs and 10 trailers
qt bolan landie
destroyed cars and trailers
hilux and datsun 10 types
tractor from arma1
ural bombtruck

Buildings pack
Afgan destroyed buildings 10 types
shops 5 types
20 types of hesco op and bunkers living quarters and cp

Afghan Walls pack
Various walls some are damaged

Sound pack 
Afghan sounds icom chatter
3 Uk idf alarms
Street sounds
Air traffic control samples
Uk icom chatter

Still more to be added only got half of the addons listed today

Terrain list 

Abbottabad Pakistan 1km x 1km
Belfast northern Ireland 2 km x 2 km
Sangin summer Afghanistan 5 km x 5 km
Sangin winter Afghanistan 5 km x 5 km
Serria Leon  Africa 10 km x 10 km
Stanta training ground uk 1 km x 1 km
Waziristan Pakistan 10 km x 10 km